Towards a reorganisation of Italian port governance: models, opportunities, risks

The current structure of Italian port governance does not differ from the one designed with the reform introduced in 1994. The most important revision is the one implemented with the 2015 National Strategic Plan for Ports and Logistics. This paper analyses the elements of the review that have worked and the needs of the system still to be pursued. It also defines objectives to be achieved and starting points for a new port governance reform.

Language: Italian

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The current structure of Italian port governance does not differ from the one designed with the reform introduced in 1994. The most important revision is the one implemented with the 2015 National Strategic Plan for Ports and Logistics. 

This paper analyses the elements of the review that have worked and the needs of the Italian Port System still to be pursued. It also defines objectives to be achieved and starting points for a new port governance reform.

A review of port governance is necessary. Although in more general terms, what seems to be questioned is more related to the actual functioning than the governance model. Therefore, the needs identified do not necessarily have to be pursued through the disruption of the governance model, but could be addressed only in the functioning of the various governing bodies and with minor shifts in competencies.

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