MED & Italian Energy Report 2024

The Sixth 'MED & Italian Energy Report. The energy transition in the Mediterranean between sustainability and security: a dynamic think-tanking approach' is the result of the synergy between SRM and the ESL@energyeenter Lab of the Politecnico di Torino.  

This edition has been designed and implemented through the new ENEMED Platform and analyses the impact of geopolitical tensions in the Red Sea on the supplies of crude oil and LNG in the Mediterranean. It examines the importance of the southern shore of the Mediterranean for natural gas supplies. A section is dedicated to the potential role of renewable energy sources in fostering green energy dialogue in the Mediterranean region. The Report also includes a focus on ports and shipping, analysing their relevance in the maritime energy trade of the Mediterranean. 

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The energy transition in the Mediterranean between sustainability and security: a dynamic think-tanking approach

The 6th edition of the MED & Italian Energy Report analyses the impact of geopolitical tensions in the Red Sea on the supplies of crude oil and LNG in the Mediterranean. It examines the importance of the southern shore of the Mediterranean for natural gas supplies, especially after the onset of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. A section is dedicated to the potential role of renewable energy sources in fostering green energy dialogue in the Mediterranean region.

The Report also includes a focus on ports and shipping, analysing their relevance in the maritime energy trade of the Mediterranean. It identifies the most important terminals and the main chokepoints involved in the supply of energy commodities.

To carry out the analyses in this edition of the Report, SRM and ESL@energycenter of the Politecnico di Torino implemented an interactive platform called the ENEMED Platform. Using algorithms and access to various data sources, it enables research and analysis, providing updated information on energy flows in the Euro-Mediterranean area, and also allows for customising data visualisations.

Publication made with support from the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo as part of the "Geopolitics and Technologies" call for proposals.

  • enemed_web.pdf

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