'Tourism in the Southern Italy: trends, impacts and dynamics' is the conference organised by Intesa Sanpaolo on Wednesday 7 June live from the Grand Hotel Vesuvio in Naples. A valuable opportunity for discussion and listening to focus attention on Italy's inestimable tourism heritage, with particular attention to the South of Italy: "A resource for growing and exploiting the great potential of the territory and culture".
During the conference, Massimo Deandreis, SRM General Manager, has presented the results of the first SRM Report on "Tourism & Territory. Trends, Impacts and Business Dynamics'.
The very positive feedback from the Report shows how the tourism sector as a whole continues to play an absolutely central role in the economic resilience of Made in Italy, generating a powerful driving effect for the entire national economy. The report also shows how 2022 was a very positive year, in which trends exceeded expectations. Presences in our country reached about 398 mln, 20% of which in Southern Italy. This is an important viaticum for tackling the current year with momentum and excellent growth prospects, whose forecasts show a full recovery of tourist flows and an encouraging restart, especially for the South of Italy (101.5%, compared to 2019 figures). With these numbers, a tourism GDP of around 100 billion euros is estimated, 25% of which in the South (24.9 billion). Particularly noteworthy is the fact that 46% of southern companies (35% in Italy) declare a greater propensity to invest in the next three years on ESG objectives and the digitalisation of services. A set of virtuous practices and equally encouraging trends thanks to which, according to the synthetic indicator of the degree of "tourism competitiveness" constructed by SRM, 3 regions of Southern Italy are positioned above both the national and European averages.
With this first Annual Report, SRM brings to life the Observatory on Tourism, a particularly important sector in Italy and especially in the South of Italy for its great social and economic impact. Forecasts for 2023 show a full recovery of tourism flows for Italy and an encouraging restart, especially for Southern Italy, which will reach a total of almost 88 million nights spent (101.5%, compared to 2019 figures). The prospects for the immediate future leave good hopes for the southern tourism sector, but there are profound 'mutations' and a strong focus on new development drivers such as sustainability and the environment in primis, elements to be taken into account to preserve and improve competitiveness.
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