'Turismo al Sud: tendenze, impatti e dinamiche' è il convegno organizzato da Intesa Sanpaolo, che si è svolto mercoledì 7 giugno in diretta dal Grand Hotel Vesuvio di Napoli. Nell'ambito dell'evento SRM ha presentato i risultati del primo Rapporto di SRM su “Turismo & Territorio. Tendenze, impatti e dinamiche d’impresa”.
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With this first Annual Report, SRM brings to life the Observatory on Tourism, a particularly important sector in Italy and especially in the South of Italy for its great social and economic impact. Forecasts for 2023 show a full recovery of tourism flows for Italy and an encouraging restart, especially for Southern Italy, which will reach a total of almost 88 million nights spent (101.5%, compared to 2019 figures). The prospects for the immediate future leave good hopes for the southern tourism sector, but there are profound 'mutations' and a strong focus on new development drivers such as sustainability and the environment in primis, elements to be taken into account to preserve and improve competitiveness.
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