SRM possesses consolidated know-how in the field of studies and research on regional economic dynamics in their various forms: entrepreneurial, infrastructural, financial and social.
Our analyses enhance the local territories' potential, emphasizing the different sectoral configurations and the economic interrelations between production chains, with particular focus on Southern Italy in its national and international scope.
From agri-food to textile and from automotive to pharmaceutical and tourism, we analyse trajectories, competitive factors as well as technological and environmental challenges.
At the same time, another crucial area of our research activities is the services sector whose networking dynamics and socio-economic impact for citizens is vital, particularly for the Mezzogiorno area.
Since 2004, we have been responsible for publishing and editing the international Journal 'Rassegna Economica' which is oldest banking publication in Italy founded in 1931 by Banco di Napoli. Also, since 1993 we have published the bi-annual journal 'Dossier Unione Europea' which focuses on monitoring European policies and their impact on our country's entrepreneurship and infrastructure. In addition, since 2012 we have been publishing 'Quaderni di Economia Sociale', a bi-annual journal that primarily deals with non-profit and social solidarity, published in collaboration with 'Fondazione con il Sud'.
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