Maritime Economy Observatory


SRM’s experience in the field of economic research about port and logistic infrastructure has resulted in the creation of the Permanent Observatory on maritime transport and logistics which is currently a point of reference for the whole cluster in this sector, both nationally and internationally.

Research, papers and surveys represent the result of regular and thorough monitoring of the economic dynamics regarding shipping and the main sectors or territories where the maritime economy plays a key role.

SRM also publishes the Annual Report ‘Italian Maritime Economy’ which collects the most significant analyses and research work carried out by the aforementioned Observatory over an entire year, alongside detailed studies of the typical phenomena shaping the role of the Mediterranean in the global maritime context. Each annual issue includes the contributions of renowned experts and is enriched by the collaboration of prestigious national and foreign institutions who provide further added value to this research endeavour.

SRM | Maritime Economy Observatory


We study scenarios and phenomena by monitoring economic-statistical indicators and observing geo-detections of maritime routes.

We give space to the opinions of players in the logistics, manufacturing and maritime sectors, analysing operator sentiment and industry trends.

Our analyses are underpinned by research in the field carried out through scientific missions aimed at studying the most efficient port management models abroad.


The scientific project of the Maritime Economy Observatory also makes use of the support and technical and operational contribution of national and international players in the logistics-maritime sector.

Learn how to become a partner

Assoporti (the Italian Association of Ports)

Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea

The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority

Port Network Authority of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea

Port Network Authority of the Northen Central Adriatic Sea

North Adriatic Sea Port Authority

Port Network Authority of the Sardinian Sea

Port Authority of the Strait


Contship Italia



Grimaldi Group

Unione degli industriali della Provincia di Napoli

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